Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Lady is taking it all in. : )

For the update on our move....well, we moved. We are here in St. Augustine Beach, Florida and we are brand new, starting new jobs, finding our way around and taking it all in. Thank goodness Lady likes the beach! She loves to play in the water and get her daily vitamin D..so this is good!

We have just been here for a week so we have yet to establish any routine, familiarity or anything yet!! It's beautiful, it's what we've been working towards, it's scarier than $#!* to uproot everything you know to go somewhere to check out some opportunities and stretch yourself into growth and evolution....voluntarily. But it came down to realizing that we would have regret if we never took that chance we always dreamed about and we weren't willing to do that.: )

This time last year I was starting my FB page. I was feeling alive and inspired and I wanted to share with others things that help me to stay healthy, stay in the game of living a creative life, take lemons and make lemonade and so on. One year later, I am starting another new adventure in a new place.

I decided to do a challenge last year called A Sweat A Day. I did this because I enjoy moving and exercising with others. Alone too....but I love to move and sweat and be with friends. I thought if I enjoyed that then maybe some others do too. Even though we aren't actually together, this is a platform to tune in with some like minded peeps and share and move have a team.

Since we have moved I have not a had regular schedule for movement and it's time to take some action and create new healthy habits in this new place!!! I'll call this one A Sweat A Day Goes Coastal...in honor of change that we all go through.

The idea for this challenge is to have 30 focused days to find ways to stimulate movement, circulations, respiration and perspiration. This can be done in a number of ways ranging from an intense workout to a hot, steamy epsom salts bath. Ideally we want to be implementing exercise into our lives when we can so take the option of saunas or baths or whatever when you absolutely are too wiped out for working out. It's important to note that when we have not slept well, eaten well or if something else in our life is causing great emotional stress, an intense workout is not necessarily a good thing. You want to learn when to workout and when to do restorative exercise or therapies.

When you decide to do a challenge like this, inevitably your voices, habits, patterns, etc that normally get in the way of you reaching your goals will come up. These are the same voices, habits and patterns that will show up and stop you in other areas of your life as well. Just pay attention and remember that at the end of the day...you either got it done or not.....no matter the noise in your mind or life. : )

The intention is to bring into focus, creating a healthy movement routine in your life. When you move and breathe, your mind clears, solutions to problems become known, your body releases wastes, you feel stronger, more confident and accomplished. We all know this........sometimes we need a reminder and a re-boot!!!

We will start on Thursday September 10th and end on October 9th 2015. If you'd like to join, come hang out on my FB page (Jami Lynn McCormack) and move and breathe and share the love!!!!

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