Tuesday, March 31, 2015



Here's how it goes....

For the next 7 days the challenge is to catch yourself in a repetitive negative thought pattern, speaking or acting pattern. Then, shift it. Interrupt your pattern. Do something different.  Ask yourself a question...what is my solution here? How can I create something more enjoyable here? What can I do to initiate the change I wish to experience?

We all have records that play in our minds and we follow our minds with our actions without even knowing we are doing it sometimes. Before you go to bed at night, sit down for 5-10 minutes and think about the next day.....What do you want to accomplish? How do you want to feel?  How do you want to nourish yourself and move your body? How do you wish to relate to people? to yourself? What do you want your energy/vitality to be like? Get some good answers going and let it be expansive!!! I will be doing this with you guys so you are not alone. We are the ones that have the experience of our life. We get to choose what we do with it. The rest of the stuff..is how we choose to respond and manage.

Where have you been seeking change? It starts in your thoughts and beliefs..comes out in your words and actions. Let's focus on some things this week and see just how much more positive energy and vitality you can create! And remember......when you do this...you do a massive service to the world! There is the ripple effect.....every person you come in contact with, you have an effect on. How do you want that to be??? : )

Ok......see you on the other side!! Comment here or on facebook to share and collaborate. We all need our tribe.

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