Thursday, February 5, 2015

Morning MAGIC...Intention and Creation

I LOVE this photo! Ok, so it doesn't necessarily depict a morning sunrise but it DOES depict Intention. Do you set aside a bit of time in the morning to get quiet, get tuned in to what you would like to bring about in your day? What you need to focus on, what you need to act on in order to achieve your desired results? Setting the tone for the day in the morning is one of the most potent pieces of being intentional and creative in your life. Before you check your email, or any other social media network or television, or other worldly distraction......take some time to tune in by writing, meditation, speaking creative and supportive statements to yourself. Sound crazy?? Give it a shot. Do it for at least a couple of weeks, then leave it off your plan and see the difference.

So many people are waking up in a frenzy to the alarm clock, rushing to do this and do that, and get here or there on time ...without even taking a moment for themselves. What do we discover when we offer ourselves a gift of a little time in the morning? Well, the list is endless. A sense of reconnection, grounding, calm, serenity, having more of a choice in our reactions throughout the day, actually visualizing/visioning and being part of the creation of your life...and from there, life is so much more enjoyable.

The morning time is potent with possibility!!! I've been doing morning time since I was 17 and if I don't get it for some reason, I can tell the difference in my day. It's a rare occasion that that happens. Even while traveling, I pack my journal, books, any pictures I am using at that time..I have my notes of statements that I read and is truly Powerful. I let these things run their course. Depending on what is happening in my life and what I feel I need, I switch things up. Different visual aids, different statements, books, even a particular looking journal for a period of time. Whatever you can tune in to that takes you from the core of your being into vitality and the desire to that!

I call it my Morning Magic. Would you like to try it? Go for it! It can be as little as 5 minutes to start with. Smaller chunks are easier to chew. Let it grow as needed and desired. : )

Leave a comment and let us know how it goes.

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