Friday, January 30, 2015

You Believed, You Put in the Work, Accomplished the Goal...Now What?

You keep going, that's what.  You keep setting goals, you have fun, and in this process you be the happiest, healthiest YOU.  You use your mind to create a way of life that makes you the best version of yourself for the world.  
The Power of the mind is an extraordinary thing.  We can have desires/goals, set out a plan, take action, and ultimately accomplish the goal we want.  In Claude Bristol's classic, "The Magic of Believing", he says, "Whatever the task, if it is begun with the belief that you can do it, it will be done perfectly".  He further states, "It is the starting force or generating power that leads to accomplishment."  Belief in yourself can be hard for some people.  That's where the genius of group challenges and accountability partners come into play.  Nutrition Challenges and Fitness Challenges are excellent springboards to propel people into healthy habits, the problem that I see on a consistent basis is that these habits are temporary.  People can use this amazing power of belief and self-will for a 30 or even 90 day challenge, but time shows people normally fall back into their habitual unhealthy ways.
Life is busy, things come up, and they fall back into convenient ways, yada, yada, yada...
This is a time in history where health and wellness is BOOMING! Everywhere you turn there's healthy this or that.....It's up to you to decipher the real from the fluff. But really, being healthy is not "weird" anymore.  Organic fruits and vegetables are easier to find.  Local healthy meat options are being offered by local farms.  People are starting to listen to the education on why it's important to invest in quality, healthy nutrition for them and their children. 
For the people who can't stay consistent with their healthy lifestyle it really boils down to the fact that maybe they are not completely bought in yet.  Maybe they aren't ready to put in the hard work.  Maybe they aren't ready to give up the Coldstone Creamery.  Maybe they still think it cost too much to eat healthy.
Whatever the case, they haven't totally bought in.  This isn't passing any kind of judgement.  I've seen it.  People work out with me for a while, get a solid program, know what they have to do, do it for a little bit, and then fall off the rocket ship to "feel good town".  This happens, I get it.  They contact me, say they have been inconsistent, and need a kick in the ass.  I'm happy to help, it's what I love to do.  But at some point, like Magic, this new healthier lifestyle has to set in place.  And the only way this happens will be thru consistent ACTION.  You eating right, moving your body on a daily basis, getting enough rest, managing stress levels, and taking care of yourself spiritually and emotionally.  These are the things that need to be done.  It's the "work" we have to put in.   
This is not witch-doctor talk, this is fact.  This is what we have to do to feel the best we possibly can.  And that's what we all want, to feel good.  And to do it by methods that are legal and won't kill us in the process.  We have to develop new habits, new healthier habits that we do on a consistent basis.  But here's the kicker:  these new healthy habits HAVE TO BE THINGS WE ENJOY/THINGS WE LOVE TO DO.  We can all find these things.....We have lots of healthy options these days, I mentioned that earlier (foods, exercises, sports, recreational activities, etc.).  And the cool thing is, you probably have a friend or friends already doing some of these things.  
Eventually, this WILL become your lifestyle.  You will be able to create your own healthy lifestyle that works for you.  This will be your NORM and you will be able to afford the occasional party nights at the Coldstone Creamery or local watering hole without intense guilt and personal criticisms. 
BUT, as for now, if you're having a hard time in consistency with your healthy efforts, know 1st of all, you aren't alone.  Figure out what it is that's blocking you.  Seek out a Certified Personal Trainer or Certified Lifestyle Coach, a friend, or someone to help if you need it and get yourself on the road to consistent, lasting Health and quality habits that truly make you your happiest. 

And as always, we are happy to assist:

Contact us anytime about issues you may have with YOUR health and wellness

Better Health means Happier Self!!!!!

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